Our Services

Table Ready

For people on a budget that want painted miniatures on the tabletop. Whether you need some new models ready for an upcoming tournament or you have an unpainted backlog, we’ll paint your miniatures to the battle-ready standards put forward by Games Workshop so you don’t have to. Three colors and a painted base.

Parade Ready

A few steps above a Table Ready paint job, this commission price will be the step that will have people stopping to admire your army on the tabletop. Getting your entire army to this step and painting a few characters to a really high level will make anyone enjoy being your opponent or watching you play.

Display Ready

For your favorite characters or big centerpiece models, This commission tier will have your army pop! With 7-10 hours spent on a single model, you’ll be the envy of your opponent who hasn’t had the time or money to get something this nice on the tabletop.


Painting of models will be determined using the table provided. For example, a Space Marine Primaris Intercessors unit costs £37.50 on the Games Workshop website. If you wanted them painted to a Parade Ready quality, you would pay double that amount for the commission. Resulting in a cost of £75.

I prefer that models be built and ready to be painted upon arrival at the studio. However, I will provide that service at a charge of 30% of the RRP. That same Intercessors Squad would cost an additional £11.25 to be built.

Simple conversions to models will be included in the commission price, but all parts must be supplied by you. More extravagant conversions or conversions that would require sculpting will be quoted separately. Simply contact me and I will supply you with at quote!

Purchasing of models can be done on your behalf by me if requested at RRP. Alternatively, you can have models shipped directly to my studio.

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